MATTHEW 10:16; 19-20
“I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves… But when they arrest you, do not worry about what to say or how to say it, at that time you will be given out what to say, for it will not be you speaking but the Spirit of your Father."
As children, followers, or disciples of God, we are called out to serve Him. Jesus said in this passage that we are sent out like sheep among wolves. The wolves symbolize the people, society, the community, the world that we live in right now. This means that it won’t be an easy task. It is not safe and we don’t know who we will be facing, or what.
However in verse 19 and 20 Jesus says there that when they arrest us, when we are numbered, or when we face them, we should not be scared. We should not worry. God is with us everywhere we go. He will not forsake us. At that situation we should not be afraid to speak nor be afraid of what to do. He says we will be given out what to say, for it will be the Holy Spirit who will be speaking for us.
That is how God uses us. It is not through our OWN efforts in doing God’s will and making it happen. Remember we are helpless without God. We cannot do much. Imagine yourself facing a world of wolves by yourself, trying to fulfill your purpose for God or even in fulfilling your dreams, without even depending on Him. Will you be able to do it? I doubt it. We need God.
We are being used by God to fulfill His will for us, just like how He used the people in the Bible and even the people today. He will fill us with the Holy Spirit to guide and protect us in every situation we are in. The bottom line is, WE NEED TO BE 100% DEPENDENT ON GOD, for He will never Forsake us. :)
God Bless You!
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