As a start of my first Blog, I am going to share about a New life of change. :)
Wait! Let my complete that.
A New Life Of Change In The Presence Of The Lord!
Yes! This is no ordinary change. This change is not like a change of only a bad attitude, a change of lifestyle, a change of habit. This is a Change Directed BY God and FOR God in MY Life.
How did this start? As I can remember, not so long ago, I started to tell myself that I need to change the unwanted things in my life, for God of course. Before, I always prayed to God asking Him to Mold me the way He wanted me to be, to be stronger in Faith, so on and so forth. Last week, one of the things that I wrote in my notebook was about changing my whole life into a life deserving of God's Love. A Life that would please God and make Him Happy (I was writing it during my Physics Lab out of boredom and because I had the urge to write out my mixed feelings during that time - I didn't bring my little journal notebook so I just wrote it on my Lab notebook - Haha! ;] ) I wrote it because I was driven by a feeling that I should. It felt Good and Motivating.
God hears our prayers even if we feel like He doesn't. Even if it feels like we are talking to ourselves, He DOES HEAR us. He heard my prayer about molding and change. I know He is already working in me. I FEEL it and KNOW it in my Mind, Heart, and Soul.
Let me relate it through my experiences last Sunday and just a while ago Tonight.
Last Sunday, Pastor Fred Adams (our Pastor) told this sermon about a wonderful change that God is making in us. He told us his story about a vision he had. In that vision, there was a small little house on a cliff. It's really just a small house, probably made out of wood or something. And coming near that little house is a very large bulldozer. It is going to push the little house off the cliff. Pastor said as the bulldozer was coming closer and closer he was getting scared and worried about that little house. Why? because that little house symbolized his life. What would you feel if a large bulldozer is going to push your life off a cliff and crush it into ruins. Scary, right? But that's not the end of it. As the saying goes, "Out goes the Old and In Comes the New", it means that God used that bulldozer to remove the old and Build the New out of the Ruin that was left From that Large disaster.
Let me make it simple. What or who I used to be in life will be turned into ruins. If we accept that we are in Ruins and confess it to the Lord, The Lord will Make a New Us Out of that Ruin whom we used to be. It's a New, Awesome, Motivating Change, Isn’t it?
Another one is about the Lecture at the G-12 Conference just this night. My cousin-in-law invited me to this G-12 Conference (Sunog Mindanao). He said it is really nice. So I felt happy and excited to join, even if I knew that I don't know what would be there, the registration, what to do, or whatever. I just know that I want to go.
It was because before that, since the start of this whole day, I felt like I wasn't feeling right. I am not sick or anything. I feel like there is something lacking in me, or more like there is something that is bothering me and hindering me or some sort. I didn’t seem to enjoy almost half of this day. I felt empty(I think that's how I should describe it). I felt as if I needed something. I also felt that I needed to get rid of this thing that is bothering me and blocking me from my continuing growth in Christ. Even if I remind myself about the sermon last Sunday it didn't seem to be enough. I couldn't get my feelings for the Lord in the right place where it should be.
I was struggling. I didn't want this feeling. Even since before, I was feeling it. Every time I feel the fire of the Lord within me, these feelings tend to hold me back. I know there was something wrong, and I couldn’t figure out why I was feeling them. These feelings are feelings of Pride, Doubt, Worldly Realism, and Feelings of Discontentment. I think those are what they are. Honestly, as I had these feelings, I REALLY REALLY REALLY DON'T WANT THEM IN ME. I was fighting them off. I kept praying and asking God about this. It feels like I want to cry because of having these. I don't know why thoughts about them come into my mind and it tends to confuse me. I DON'T WANT IT. One thing was clear though. It was the work of the devil trying to ruin me and trying to destroy me from my Faith.
When I attended the G-12, I was able to realize some things. I was still struggling from those feelings as I was enjoying praising the Lord. The Lecture of the Pastor there was about the saying “WHEN I CHANGE, EVERYTHING CHANGES”. He then related the idea to different people who experienced the changes of their lives in the presence of the Lord. Some of them were such people like Abraham “The Father of All Nations”, Moses “The Deliverer of God’s Nation”, and another one was Jacob. Jacob was once a deceiver, manipulator, and a heel-catcher. He did a lot of things that were unpleasant in God’s eyes. But then..
24So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26Then the man said, "Let me go, for it is daybreak." But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." 27The man asked him, "What is your name?" "Jacob," he answered. 28Then the man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome." 29Jacob said, "Please tell me your name." But he replied, "Why do you ask my name?" Then he blessed him there. 30So Jacob called the place Peniel [which means "face of God"], saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."
Jacob accepted and confessed His weakness to the Lord, and asked for mercy. He chose to change. Because of that God gave him a new name.
This is one good example of changing in the presence of the Lord. This is what I choose to be like. I did the same thing Jacob did. Accepted, confessed honestly, asked for mercy, then Let go of the old and Changed. I offered all the feelings that was bothering me and blocking my paths to my growth in the Lord. I did not let go until He blessed me, until I felt that blessing.
God knew everything. I cried a little. It felt good and very relieving. I felt so free. I felt so refreshed, so rejuvenated. I CHANGED, and I am ready to live a life directed and prepared by Christ, letting Christ form me.
A lot were said during the Lecture that reminded me and made me realize a lot of things about the Lord. It was an amazing experience; and There is still More To Come.
GOD IS REALLY GOOD, GREAT, AND SO AWESOME. It Does not matter who I am or who you are, what matters is WHO HE IS IN YOU. If you want the people around you to change, YOU CHANGE! If you want to make a difference in this world, YOU CHANGE! If you want a better life, YOU CHANGE! IF YOU WANT GOD TO BLESS YOU, YOU BETTER GET A HEAD ON AND CHANGE!!! LET HIM WORK ON YOU TO CREATE A NEW CREATION FROM THE RUINS IN YOU
…That’s what I am doing now and IT FEELS GREAT! :)
Wait! Let my complete that.
A New Life Of Change In The Presence Of The Lord!
Yes! This is no ordinary change. This change is not like a change of only a bad attitude, a change of lifestyle, a change of habit. This is a Change Directed BY God and FOR God in MY Life.
How did this start? As I can remember, not so long ago, I started to tell myself that I need to change the unwanted things in my life, for God of course. Before, I always prayed to God asking Him to Mold me the way He wanted me to be, to be stronger in Faith, so on and so forth. Last week, one of the things that I wrote in my notebook was about changing my whole life into a life deserving of God's Love. A Life that would please God and make Him Happy (I was writing it during my Physics Lab out of boredom and because I had the urge to write out my mixed feelings during that time - I didn't bring my little journal notebook so I just wrote it on my Lab notebook - Haha! ;] ) I wrote it because I was driven by a feeling that I should. It felt Good and Motivating.
God hears our prayers even if we feel like He doesn't. Even if it feels like we are talking to ourselves, He DOES HEAR us. He heard my prayer about molding and change. I know He is already working in me. I FEEL it and KNOW it in my Mind, Heart, and Soul.
Let me relate it through my experiences last Sunday and just a while ago Tonight.
Last Sunday, Pastor Fred Adams (our Pastor) told this sermon about a wonderful change that God is making in us. He told us his story about a vision he had. In that vision, there was a small little house on a cliff. It's really just a small house, probably made out of wood or something. And coming near that little house is a very large bulldozer. It is going to push the little house off the cliff. Pastor said as the bulldozer was coming closer and closer he was getting scared and worried about that little house. Why? because that little house symbolized his life. What would you feel if a large bulldozer is going to push your life off a cliff and crush it into ruins. Scary, right? But that's not the end of it. As the saying goes, "Out goes the Old and In Comes the New", it means that God used that bulldozer to remove the old and Build the New out of the Ruin that was left From that Large disaster.
Let me make it simple. What or who I used to be in life will be turned into ruins. If we accept that we are in Ruins and confess it to the Lord, The Lord will Make a New Us Out of that Ruin whom we used to be. It's a New, Awesome, Motivating Change, Isn’t it?
Another one is about the Lecture at the G-12 Conference just this night. My cousin-in-law invited me to this G-12 Conference (Sunog Mindanao). He said it is really nice. So I felt happy and excited to join, even if I knew that I don't know what would be there, the registration, what to do, or whatever. I just know that I want to go.
It was because before that, since the start of this whole day, I felt like I wasn't feeling right. I am not sick or anything. I feel like there is something lacking in me, or more like there is something that is bothering me and hindering me or some sort. I didn’t seem to enjoy almost half of this day. I felt empty(I think that's how I should describe it). I felt as if I needed something. I also felt that I needed to get rid of this thing that is bothering me and blocking me from my continuing growth in Christ. Even if I remind myself about the sermon last Sunday it didn't seem to be enough. I couldn't get my feelings for the Lord in the right place where it should be.
I was struggling. I didn't want this feeling. Even since before, I was feeling it. Every time I feel the fire of the Lord within me, these feelings tend to hold me back. I know there was something wrong, and I couldn’t figure out why I was feeling them. These feelings are feelings of Pride, Doubt, Worldly Realism, and Feelings of Discontentment. I think those are what they are. Honestly, as I had these feelings, I REALLY REALLY REALLY DON'T WANT THEM IN ME. I was fighting them off. I kept praying and asking God about this. It feels like I want to cry because of having these. I don't know why thoughts about them come into my mind and it tends to confuse me. I DON'T WANT IT. One thing was clear though. It was the work of the devil trying to ruin me and trying to destroy me from my Faith.
When I attended the G-12, I was able to realize some things. I was still struggling from those feelings as I was enjoying praising the Lord. The Lecture of the Pastor there was about the saying “WHEN I CHANGE, EVERYTHING CHANGES”. He then related the idea to different people who experienced the changes of their lives in the presence of the Lord. Some of them were such people like Abraham “The Father of All Nations”, Moses “The Deliverer of God’s Nation”, and another one was Jacob. Jacob was once a deceiver, manipulator, and a heel-catcher. He did a lot of things that were unpleasant in God’s eyes. But then..
24So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. 25When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man. 26Then the man said, "Let me go, for it is daybreak." But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." 27The man asked him, "What is your name?" "Jacob," he answered. 28Then the man said, "Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome." 29Jacob said, "Please tell me your name." But he replied, "Why do you ask my name?" Then he blessed him there. 30So Jacob called the place Peniel [which means "face of God"], saying, "It is because I saw God face to face, and yet my life was spared."
Jacob accepted and confessed His weakness to the Lord, and asked for mercy. He chose to change. Because of that God gave him a new name.
This is one good example of changing in the presence of the Lord. This is what I choose to be like. I did the same thing Jacob did. Accepted, confessed honestly, asked for mercy, then Let go of the old and Changed. I offered all the feelings that was bothering me and blocking my paths to my growth in the Lord. I did not let go until He blessed me, until I felt that blessing.
God knew everything. I cried a little. It felt good and very relieving. I felt so free. I felt so refreshed, so rejuvenated. I CHANGED, and I am ready to live a life directed and prepared by Christ, letting Christ form me.
A lot were said during the Lecture that reminded me and made me realize a lot of things about the Lord. It was an amazing experience; and There is still More To Come.
GOD IS REALLY GOOD, GREAT, AND SO AWESOME. It Does not matter who I am or who you are, what matters is WHO HE IS IN YOU. If you want the people around you to change, YOU CHANGE! If you want to make a difference in this world, YOU CHANGE! If you want a better life, YOU CHANGE! IF YOU WANT GOD TO BLESS YOU, YOU BETTER GET A HEAD ON AND CHANGE!!! LET HIM WORK ON YOU TO CREATE A NEW CREATION FROM THE RUINS IN YOU
…That’s what I am doing now and IT FEELS GREAT! :)
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